See the video above of the acceptance speech of Gershon Baskin

See the video above of the entire ceremony.

On June 14 2023 Gershon Baskin and his colleague and good friend Ali Abu Awwad were awarded the Luxembourg Peace Prize for Outstanding Peace Activist.

The prize recognizes a person or an organization with a track record of peace and someone who will leave a legacy of peace as either creating an absence of war or as creating a culture of peace.

Peace activists from around the world gathered at the 11th Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony at the European Convention Center and the event was shared online. The distinguished peacemakers represented a diverse mix of activists, educators, leaders, and artists from all corners of the globe in some 13 categories.

The Schengen Peace Foundation was initiated in 2005 as a not-for-profit charity approved by His Royal Highness Henri the Grand Duke of Luxembourg on Oct 19th, 2007. The Foundation contributes to the construction of a more peaceful world by promoting peace, tolerance and understanding through multicultural dialogue with the help of discussions, publications, exhibits and workshops, internet platforms, encounters, exchange and education programs as well as studies about peace.

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