The last Israeli-Palestinian war
Gershon Baskin firmly believes that people of courage on both sides must stand up now and say: I am sorry, we have crossed moral red lines that should never be crossed
Gershon Baskin firmly believes that people of courage on both sides must stand up now and say: I am sorry, we have crossed moral red lines that should never be crossed
Gershon Baskin thinks that if the Israeli negotiators reach the point where they can agree but know that Netanyahu will prevent agreement, then they must return home, present the agreement to the public and all should resign from their post as negotiators. This can be done now – it must be done now!
Gershon Baskin shares the main elements of the bridging proposal that he sent to the Egyptian Head of Intelligence, the Qatari PM and the NSC in the White House.
Gershon Baskin shares his proposal For mediators’ ultimatum to Israel and Hamas.
Gershon Baskin feels that peace will become possible if there us an emergence of leaders on both side who begin speaking the language of peace and demonstrate their willingness and the political sophistication by reaching out – even if they are not presently in power
Gershon Baskin shares with CNN’s Becky Anderson on the Connect The World show his analysis of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political objectives and posturing in these deal negotiations, and comments on the role of the United States’ ‘pressure’ towards a ceasefire and its own political objectives, as President Biden’s image and strength weakens domestically.
Gershon Baskin passionatley feels that the time has come for the Palestinians to make clear that they seek to build their own country with honor and dignity – not in place of Israel, but next to it
Gershon Baskin feels that Benjamin Netanyahu continues to be the most dangerous person to Israel’s future.
Gershon Baskin shares his ideas regarding the steps that must be taken now in the Middle East