Bring our citizens home
Gershon Baskin proposes that Israel release the remaining ex-Palestinian prisoners, with the exception of those who broke the terms of their parole, and then perhaps the real negotiations will get underway.
Gershon Baskin proposes that Israel release the remaining ex-Palestinian prisoners, with the exception of those who broke the terms of their parole, and then perhaps the real negotiations will get underway.
Gershon Baskin believes that a prime minister with integrity and a moral compass would understand the ethical obligation to resign under such circumstances.
Gershon Baskin feels that the attempt to legalize the illegal is a blow to international law and legitimacy and, at the end of the day, contributes to the ultimate delegitimization of Israel as a nation that was founded by international legitimacy.
Gershon Baskin pledges to continue to work to build partnerships across conflict lines in the interests of all of us – on both sides of the lines.
Gershon Baskin feels that it is time to come up with a new strategy for Gaza.
Gershon Baskin strongly feels that as long as Netanyahu is not cleared of all charges, from the clear moral point of view, he should not be allowed to rule Israel.
Gershon Baskin feels that the aggression against Turkey against the Kurds and by Israel against the Palestinians – only strengthens the will of each of these proud peoples for their freedom.
Gershon Baskin believes that as long as we continue to occupy the Palestinian people in the occupied territories and deny them the right to self-determination, we will not truly be able to relate to our state as democratic.
Gershon Baskin hopes that we have a new and better Israeli government soon.