Does Israel want to be a Jewish state or a democratic state?
Gershon Baskin senses that the main division lines appear to be on the question of Israel as a Jewish state or Israel as a democratic state.
Gershon Baskin senses that the main division lines appear to be on the question of Israel as a Jewish state or Israel as a democratic state.
Gershon Baskin proclaims that the unilateral annexation of the West Bank or parts of it will be catastrophic.
Gershon Baskin believes that the only national emergency that this government will effectively address is the need to provide cushy jobs for useless politicians.
Gershon Baskin feels that Israel needs a vibrant and kicking Left based on partnership and equality.
Gershon Baskin asks if the intervention of the Supreme Court a violation of the sovereignty of the Knesset? The answer is a clear: no!
Gershon Baskin feels that too many years of the Netanyahu regime has increased racism, hatred and fear against the Arab citizens of Israel.
Gershon Baskin, who is in quarantine feel that this is the perfect opportunity to finally get things done.
Gershon Baskin feels that If the two-state solution is dead, there is now a need to develop a new platform which is rights-based and focuses on democracy.
Gershon Baskin senses that both sides know that they essentially cannot avoid each other’s presence, so they constantly search for third parties to deliver messages right next door.
Gershon Baskin feels that over the past decades, Zionist parties have abandoned their commitment to full equality, and have not even tried to include representatives of the Arab citizens on high places on their lists.