Jerusalem, Flags, and Provocations
Gershon Baskin feels that Israel should grant all people under Israel’s military control full Israeli citizens and full equal rights under Israeli rule.
Gershon Baskin feels that Israel should grant all people under Israel’s military control full Israeli citizens and full equal rights under Israeli rule.
Gershon Baskin believes that the single largest existential threat to Israel is Israel itself.
Gersdho Baskin feels that both in the short-term and mid-term, engaging Sinwar is a much wiser political strategic option than killing him.
Gershon Baskin shares his proposals that would make the holy sites holy again and ensure that they will not continue to be the center of religious and national violence.
Gershon Baskin hopes that when political peace between Israel and Palestine is achieved perhaps the prophecy of Isaiah will come true: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”
Gershon Baskin feels that Israel should take responsibility and to confront guilt.
Gershon Baskin feels that without heavily armed Israeli police presence during Ramadan, the Palestinians there would be free to celebrate and party into the wee hours before their new fast begins.
Gershon Baskin shares his vision of a final, lasting and comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace for this generation and for the generations of the future.
Gershon Baskin describes what the Palestinians are fighting for – a place that they can call their own, in which their identity is recognized and they take and give their identity to the piece of land on which they have always lived.
Gershon Baskin believes that we should strive to foster intentional living together.