Facing reality: Beyond the state of denial in Israeli-Palestinian relations
Gershon Baskin explains that almost all Palestinians want to control their own destiny and they do not want to live under the oppression and humility of occupation.
Gershon Baskin explains that almost all Palestinians want to control their own destiny and they do not want to live under the oppression and humility of occupation.
Gershon Baskin believes that in order to protect the liberal democracy of Israel, Israel must be the state of all of its citizens, where every citizen and every group of citizens has the same right to the same rights – including the right to express and foster their separate identity.
Gershon Baskin thinks that none of our leaders are leading us to any kind of future that promises us life and security and that has to change. He recommends that the change has to be made by us.
Gershon Baskin feels that a majority of Palestinians support the use of violence against Israelis and that we are at a new boiling point where it could be quite easy for the situation to spin out of control.
Gershon Baskin firmly believes that one day the people’s of the Middle East will penetrate each other’s hearts and minds and they will, with great difficulty, pave a path of peace that will one day even lead to reconciliation.
Gershon Baskin senses that without finding the moral courage and fortitude to take such actions, the situation could become much worse than it already is.
Gershon Baskin believes that without having a solution to this conflict, he will continue to work every day to try to help us all to find the path back to the negotiating table and back to the hope that we will live in peace.
Gershon Baskin feels that will proudly waving the Palestinian flag is a provocation, but it is less about “identifying with a terrorist organization” or with the enemy, and more about protecting our democratic rights for free expression.
Gershon Baskin feels that we need to adopt a new way of thinking; one in which all segments of the population – from the river to the sea – can sit round the table together.
Gershon Baskin feels that it is time to put Israel’s amazing intelligence apparatus to much more intelligent use – developing the strategies and means for avoiding future rounds of fighting.