Gershon Baskin, as a critical Israeli and a peace activist believes that Israel wants nothing more from Gaza than to live in peace and quiet.

Wouldn’t it be great if the people of Gaza said to Hamas and Jihad

“we don’t want you to defend us by sending rockets into Israel”

No rocket will bring the people of Gaza freedom and prosperity.

“We want our leadership to invest in building schools, parks, museums, factories, etc. and not rockets, bunkers, and bombs”

I as a critical Israeli and a peace activist really believe that Israel wants nothing more from Gaza than to live in peace and quiet next to you. A regime in Gaza engaged in building rather than destroying would find a lot of support in Israel. It is not like the West Bank – Israel has no territorial claims or aspirations in Gaza. It is time for people on both sides of the border to say – enough destruction, enough bombing, enough hatred. We need a new future.

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