Yuval Barnea

Yuva Barnea

Yuval Barnea

Yuval Barnea is a Podcast Producer and Breaking News Writer and Editor at The Jerusalem Post. He was born in Israel, but grew up mostly in the UK, where he completed his BA in Linguistics at the University of Manchester, with a substantial Middle Eastern Studies component. He made aliyah in 2021, and completed his MA in International Relations/Diplomacy at the University of Haifa, with a dissertation on adapting Ibn Khaldun’s political theory for the modern day.

Articles by Yuval Barnea:

Ehud Olmert and Arafat’s nephew sign agreement to achieve peace, partition Jerusalem

Posted on: 31 Aug 2024

Gershon Baskin, together with Samer Sinjilawi, Chairman of the Jerusalem Development Fund, with Olmert -Elkidwa agreement (Work done by In the agreement, they agree to “work together to promote the achievement of peace in the Middle East” through a successful application of the two-state solution with 1967 borders as a basis.