Marina Coblentz

Marina Coblentz

Marina Coblentz

Marina Coblentz is a writer for Novi magazin, a Serbian-language weekly print and on-line magazine news magazine headquartered in Belgrade that features original articles on social, economic, and political topics. Of mixed background, Ms Coblentz was educated through the French schooling system between Paris and New York. She has spent most of her professional life working in poor, war-torn, post-conflict and developing countries in Asia (Afghanistan, Myanmar, Mongolia), the Middle-East (Syria) and South-East Europe (former Yugoslavia). Ms. Coblentz worked with multilateral and international organisations (UN, OSCE), non-government organisations, and host country governments on humanitarian and development projects, human rights and democratisation, and political transition. Since 2020, she lives in Belgrade, Serbia, and has dedicated her time to animal ethics. However, since October 2023, she has devoted herself to promoting from the ground Palestinian and Jewish Israeli voices of peace and co-existence. She does so through „Novi Magazin“, an independent Serbian weekly magazine that was founded in 2011 with a printed and on-line version. Nadežda Gace, its Editor in Chief, wrote: „We do not play with the truth, it produces lies, confusion, misunderstandings and conflict. We are strong advocates for a definitive and final resolution concerning Kosovo and for reconciliation on the territories of former Jugoslavia...It concerns 700 thousand mixed marriages, millions of multiethnic family links and friendships...We oppose manipulative nationalistic feelings which incite hate among peoples, in particular we fight against historical revision to avoid replacing the victim with the perpetrator. We are against choices that resemble fan passion at football games.“

Articles by Marina Coblentz:

Napredovacemo kad osetimo kajanje: We will make Progress when we feel Remorse

Posted on: 28 Aug 2024

In an interview with Marina Coblentz in the Serbian Novi magazin from Belgrade, Gershon Baskin shares his perspectives of the current situation in the Middle East, including his thoughts about the status of the Druze on the Golan Heights.