The challenges ahead
Gershon Baskin believes that leaders need to speak to their own people and say that we will never give up the aspiration of achieving peace.
Gershon Baskin believes that leaders need to speak to their own people and say that we will never give up the aspiration of achieving peace.
Gershon Baskin thinks that we must face the future with confidence that this conflict can and must come to an end.
Gershon Baskin shared his insights about the possibilities of peace between Palestine and Israel at the Museo Memoria y Tolerancia in Mexico.
Gershon Baskin shared his insights with students at el Colegio Yavne in Huxquilucan Mexico.
Gershon Baskin spoke on the subject: “Peace for Israel and Palestine: Is it Possible?” at the “Making Peace, the obstacles and the ways around them” session at the Days for Peace Conference in Mexico City.
Gershon Baskin discusses Israeli / Palestinian strategic options at the University of Miami
Gershon Baskin spoke at the Jornadas for the Paz (Days for Peace) Conference in Mexico.
Gershon Baskin revealed the story behind the secret backchannel that took place between Hamas and Israel leading to the prisoner’s exchange and Schalit’s release in October 2011.
Gershon Baskin joined the family of Avraham Abera Mengistu, an Israeli man held by Hamas in Gaza, at a demonstration demanding his release in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem to mark two years since his disappearance.
Gershon Baskin reveals how relations in the Middle East are based on justified fear, influenced by lack of human contact and reinforced by continued violence that solidify patterns of thinking and behavior that negatively influence public policies.
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