Gershon Baskin: Biography In Hebrew
Click here to read the Hebrew Biography of Gershon Baskin from Wikipedia Gershon Baskin Biography Wikipeadia
Click here to read the Hebrew Biography of Gershon Baskin from Wikipedia Gershon Baskin Biography Wikipeadia
When a series of terrorist attacks killed eight Israelis around the southern Israeli city of Eilat, Gershon Baskin knew immediately that the deaths had the potential to escalate into a full-blown conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist group that rules Gaza. And he saw himself as one of the Read more…
Gershon Baskin believes in the power of people to be good, in the power of compassion, which is much stronger than hatred.
The Future of Jerusalem 2000 Member of Prime Minister Barak’s expert team on Jerusalem working on preparing the Israeli positions regarding Jerusalem in the permanent status negotiations with the Palestinians. Security and Strategic Affairs 2005 The Leaders Project – Under the auspices of Secretary of Defense William Cohen The Politics Read more…
2005 – present Founding Member of the Steering Committee of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace NGO Forum, a network of more than 100 Israeli and Palestinian peace and dialogue NGO’s. 2005 – present Member of the Executive Committee of ALLMEP – the Alliance for Middle East Peace, a coalition of some 30 Read more…
1993 Ph.D. International Affairs, Greenwich University Dissertation: Sovereignty and Territory in the Future of Jerusalem (Ph.D. Mentors and academic supervisors: Prof. Alan Dowty, Notre Dame University and Prof. Edy Kaufman, University of Maryland and Hebrew University) 1991 M.A. International Affairs, Greenwich University (under the academic supervision of Prof. Alan Dowty, Read more…