A lifelong quest for peace
Gershon Baskin’s new book: “In Pursuit of Peace in Israel and Palestine”, where he paints an enticing picture of a possible golden future for the conflict-ridden Holy Land is reviewed.
Gershon Baskin’s new book: “In Pursuit of Peace in Israel and Palestine”, where he paints an enticing picture of a possible golden future for the conflict-ridden Holy Land is reviewed.
David B. Brooks reviews Gershon Baskin’s In Pursuit of Peace in Israel and Palestine.
It is inspiring to read what it means to be a “peace activist” in the real and complete sense. Eminently readable, and a salve to the seemingly endless bad news coming from Israel/Palestine.
Invaluable insights by a pioneer toward Middle East Peace.
“The Negotiator” by Gershon Baskin offers a behind the scenes look at the negotiations that brought Israel’s soldier home from Hamas captivity.
Gershon ..had empathy for the other side and felt for the Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons. Hamad Ghazi felt empathy for Gilad Shalit. These two succeeded where the government officials failed.
“The Negotiator” is not entirely reassuring when it comes to the larger peace process. “Look, Gershon, I will never recognize Israel or make peace with it,” one senior Hamas leader told Baskin. “Neither will my son. What my grandson will do, I do not know.” But Baskin insists on seeing a glimmer of hope in these words: “At least the door might open in two generations.”
More than a little chutzpa and a lot of devotion are required for a private individual to try negotiating release of a man held by a hateful enemy. Gershon Baskin had enough of both to succeed.
The book is an essential read for those interested in solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the human relationships as well as trust that Gershon Baskin managed to achieve during the 5 years of intensive negotiations he had is truly amazing.
Rather than painting Hamas as the monolithic enemy, Baskin retold tales of his personal meetings with members of Hamas and the diversity and nuance of their stances.