Silvia Hassouna


Silvia Hassouna

Silvia Hassouna is the Social media coordinator at Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca. She holds a Master’s degree in Globalization and Development Studies from Maastricht University. She was an intern at the Palestine-Israel Journal and wrote her final dissertation about the impact of the separation barrier on Palestinian and Israeli civil society organizations with a focus on East Jerusalem.

Articles by Silvia Hassouna:

An Assessment of Dialogue-Based Initiatives in Light of the Anti-Normalization Criticisms and Mobility Restrictions

Posted on: 12 Mar 2015

Gershon Baskin is cited in this study as saying that official statements coming from the Palestinian Authority (PA) or the Israeli government would help to place Dialogue-Based Initiatives in a better light. Yet no public legitimacy has been given to joint initiatives